In today’s volatile marketplace, keeping cash flowing and preserving your business line of credit can be challenging for small business. Many small businesses are finding it harder to get the finance help they need from traditional lending institutions, especially the big banks.

An easier option for businesses to specifically update their equipment and get the assets they need to expand their business is to lease the equipment instead of purchasing. Leasing involves paying for the long term use of the equipment instead of ownership.

With equipment leasing, you can get the new machines and the innovative technology that your business is after without breaking the bank. In this way, you won’t necessarily have to deal with the stringent requirements of banks and standard lending institutions. There are a number of other benefits to equipment leasing including a variety of end of term options as well as the opportunity to upgrade so it’s easier to stay up to date. Most importantly, when you speak with your financial advisor or accountant you may find that your equipment leasing payments are tax deductible as an operating expense.

Easy leasing options for your small business

For small businesses, tailored equipment leasing products can help SMEs get the equipment that they need:

– Operating Lease – with an operating lease, you make easy monthly payments to lease the equipment you need during its useful life cycle.

– Master Rental Agreement – for businesses that acquire more than $20,000 worth of assets in a single year, a master rental agreement establishes a business line of credit to lease equipment for a term.

This will help you bundle your assets into one convenient term so it’ll be easier to manage your requirements across the business.

– Finance Lease – a finance lease offers low monthly payments that are cash flow friendly with a fixed pre-determined residual payment that will be due at the end of your term. This type of arrangement lets you start making money right away.

No matter what business you’re in, you’ll find that equipment leasing is a great form of asset finance to really grow and expand your business operations. Manage your cash flow and get the capital you need for your equipment.